Telegraph Trail
The Telegraph Trail flows through the mossy forest floor and traces an old telegraph line, with the ceramic insulators still ...

Cai Creek Route
The Cai Creek watershed leads through a beautiful stand of forest to the largest known Ponderosa Pine in British Columbia ...

Raccoon-Badger Trail
If you think hiking on the Great Northern Rail Trail is a bit boring, then you'll want to head up ...

Fraser Hill Viewpoint Trail
A pleasant walk up the forest to a series of viewpoints above Crawford Bay. The final reward is a big ...

Rialto Waterfalls
This trail was built for mountain-bikers, but everyone will enjoy the smooth grade and scenic waterfalls. Hike up the woods ...

Baldy Rocks
A little bit of bushwhacking will get you over to a new summit on Kootenay Pass. Baldy Rocks offers a ...

Haiseldean Lake
A short hike to a quiet subalpine lake, with plenty more exploring on the surrounding ridges. The forest is studded ...

Riondel Historic Waterline Trail
If you enjoy hikes with a historical connection, then add this waterline to your list! The restored trail offers a ...

Beattie-White Queen Loop
Mount Beattie and White Queen have individual trails leading to their respective summits... but you can also hike a loop ...

Blue Grouse Basin
A magical alpine meadow, surrounded by a cirque of peaks on the edge of Kokanee Glacier Provincial Park. With opportunity ...

McKean Lakes
McKean Lakes is a worthwhile alpine destination, tucked away on the edge of Valhalla Provincial Park. The road is long, ...

Mount Beattie
Sometimes you just need a moderate hike with a moderate view. Mount Beattie is like that. It's a forested ridge ...

Red Mountain (Bonningtons)
"Red Mountain" seems to be a pretty common name in the Koots. There's a few of them! But this one ...

Mount Reco Loop
One of the best ridgeline hikes in the Kootenays! Hiking a loop around Mount Reco will bring you through alpine ...

Grassy Mountain
Grassy Mountain is renown for its winter powder, but it's also a great summer destination for those that don't mind ...