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Balancing Rock Trail

A scenic overlook trail, switchbacking up to expansive views of the Creston Valley. This short hike is part of the Creston Mountain Trail Network and can be extended for a bigger adventure!

Trailhead: West Creston Road
Distance, round trip: 3.6km
Elevation: +222m
Season: mid-April to early November
Difficulty: Easy
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Ka Papa Cedars Trail

Driving over Kootenay Pass? Take a break and stroll the old growth Ka Papa Cedars Trail! It’s an easy loop that explores an ancient cedar grove. Enjoy the tranquility and magic that comes from wandering the timeless forest floor. The trail name “Ka Papa” means “my grandfather” in the Ktunaxa language and refers to the ancient cedars being like elders in the forest.

Trailhead: Highway 3
Distance, round trip: 2.6km
Elevation: +69m
Season: late May to early October
Difficulty: Easy
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Lost Mountain

Welcome to the West Kootenay’s latest and greatest hike! The Lost Mountain trail offers  highway access and a steady workout. Most of this hike is done in the forest, but the final ridge and summit are worth the effort!

Trailhead: Highway 3 (Crowsnest), Kootenay Pass
Distance, round trip: 10.6km
Elevation: +1109m
Season: mid-June to early October
Difficulty:  Difficult

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Ripple Ridge/Lightning Strike

Stagleap Provincial Park is renowned for backcountry skiing, but there is also a summer trail that rises along Ripple Ridge. Ridgeline hiking is always a good choice, and this trail doesn’t disappoint with panoramic views of the mountains around Kootenay Pass. Lightning Strike and Ripple Ridge are used interchangeably to refer to this ridgeline which is confusing. The proper Ripple Mountain looms far in the distance and isn’t connected at all to the ridge.

Trailhead: Bridal Lake, Stagleap Provincial Park
Distance, round trip: 9.4km
Elevation: +393m
Season: early July to early October
Difficulty:   Moderate
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